The Power Of Partnership

"We are called to be strong companions and clear mirrors to one another, to seek those who reflect with compassion and a keen eye how we are doing, whether we seem centered or off course...we need the nourishing company of others to create the circle needed for growth, freedom and healing." ~ Wayne Muller

I feel like I've spent more time in the last week wearing my pajamas than my regular clothes. This was a result of the second COVID vaccine and a not so nice reaction to it. Headaches, fatigue, body pain, shortness of breath, and muscle spasms made lying on the couch my highest ambition. I often struggle with these situations as I get bombarded with what I call the "should, could, would" of my internal belief system. My body and my spirit are clearly stating that they need rest and time and my mind in all its ignorance and arrogance demands continued productivity and strength. It's that inner over achiever, no rest for the weary monster, that says if everyone else can, so can I.

It is easy to embody the belief that you must always be the strong one. The one that takes care of, not the one that requires being cared for. Missing days of work or being sick at home can often feel like you are letting your family, friends, and clients down. That you are leaving them to handle things on their own or even to handle more as you are unable to do the things you would normally do. It feels that we as a society have come to struggle more and more with the idea of asking for or accepting help.

As I sit here and reflect on the past week I am deeply touched and humbled by the thoughtfulness, support, and human kindness that surrounds me. My family has of course been understanding and supportive but the community that we have built at Sakash Health and Wellness is also amazing. I have received emails of funny puppy memes, words of concern, well-wishes for healing, love, and understanding. The compassion and empathy is palpable and true.

In a health and wellness studio, a place where clients come for physical therapy and pilates classes we have found so much more. We have tapped into the power of partnership. It is a true partnership that is focused on creating a unique, one of a kind environment that promotes healing at all levels. This requires the ability to be strong but also the ability to be vulnerable. The ability to support but also to be open and to receive.

We walk side by side in this life. Sometimes it can feel like there are miles between us and that we walk alone. When life gets heavy, it can be a lot to carry. We can get stuck. Stuck in our beliefs, our pride, our independence. Sometimes we can just feel lost. But if I show up for you and you show up for me, how powerful is that? How does that then change our trajectory?

Healing is ignited by receiving but also giving. By showing up for oneself and for others. By taking action, opening doors, and stretching our boundaries and our beliefs. I want to thank you all for this past week. You have lifted me up more than you could know. I am grateful for the partnership that we share and I so appreciate each and every one of you and the active choice you have made to live your best life.

