Physical Therapy


Are you noticing that you are moving differently and that the activities of your day are becoming more difficult to perform? Have you tried every other form of treatment (yes, even traditional physical therapy) but still can’t alleviate your pain or limitations? Sakash Health and Wellness takes a specialized and holistic approach to your recovery and we have been able to help many clients just like you renew their sense of physicality and avoid surgery, pain meds, and injections. Direct Access laws in New Hampshire and Maine allow you to come directly to us. You do not need a doctor’s referral. You just need the desire, determination, and availability to heal.

At Sakash Health and Wellness, we consider our physical therapists the most appropriate primary provider for human movement and function. This means that if you are experiencing pain or changes in your ability to move and perform daily tasks, a physical therapist is the best medical provider for you to see.  We do not believe that getting older means that you have to accept stiffness, pain, or limitations. We believe that the human body is resilient and that, when asked in the “right” way, it will respond and recover, giving you more freedom of experience in your aging years. At Sakash Health and Wellness we have a business model that allows us to focus ALL of our time and energy on you. You will always work one on one with your physical therapist or Pilates teacher during your sessions and develop what we consider to be a key partnership focused entirely on your recovery. At your first visit, your physical therapist will complete an extensive evaluation. They will spend time getting to know you - your past and present life experiences, your medical history, and what you hope to achieve and regain in your life. They will use this information as well as their knowledge of every system in the human body to design and implement a plan of care that may include manual therapies, Pilates exercise prescription, and movement education to allow you to achieve your goals.  It is also important to note that our Physical Therapists are able to recognize signs and symptoms inconsistent with a condition that will respond to our method of treatment. In this instance, we have an extensive list of providers whom we respect and work with and we will refer you to the appropriate provider to get you the care that you need. 


Initial Evaluation

This is a holistic and comprehensive musculoskeletal assessment that establishes your current level of physical health. We look at strength, mobility, flexibility, posture, movement patterning and control, balance, and endurance.  An initial evaluation is imperative so that we may understand the factors that are contributing to your pain or loss of function. This evaluation will allow us to establish a physical therapy diagnosis to guide the plan of care so that we can efficiently and effectively help you reach your goals. 



Following the initial evaluation, a plan of care will be established by your physical therapist that will address the deficits identified in the evaluation and your individual needs and goals.  These sessions may include manual therapies, modalities, Pilates-based therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular reeducation, lifestyle coaching, and instruction in a home exercise program. Frequency and duration of treatments will be based on your progress at each visit. This can be influenced by your body’s ability to heal and respond to treatment, compliance to your prescribed home program, and the ability to prioritize and maintain consistency in the treatment plan prescribed. We believe that every individual, even with similar diagnoses, is not the same. Therefore we will not prescribe a cookbook plan of care of 2x/week for 6-8 weeks. Instead we will reassess you at every visit and proceed accordingly.


Would You Like A Good Faith Estimate?

If you do not have health insurance or plan to self-pay for our services, we will provide you with a “Good Faith Estimate” of our costs when you schedule at least 3 days in advance. If you would like to request a Good Faith Estimate before scheduling, please call our office or email us at